When and How to Wind Down Your Startup

The majority of startups fail, but we don’t talk enough about how to conduct an orderly wind-down. In episode 16, we tackle the challenging decision of when and how a founder should wind down their startup (yes— there’s a right way to do it). 

We delve into legal responsibilities under Delaware and California law, key strategies for an orderly wind-down, and setting yourself up for success next time.

We discuss:

  • Your legal and moral obligations when winding down a digital health company, particularly regarding employee wages and benefits.

  • How transparency and professionalism are crucial when winding down a company to maintain relationships and build credibility for future ventures.

  • Sharing postmortems and lessons learned can help other founders and contribute to the improvement of the digital health industry.

  • Opportunities for roll-ups and consolidation exist in the digital health space, and why founders should consider collaboration and partnerships to continue their work.

Tune in!


Awell Health


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